The Power of the Dance

Image Courtesy of Watts
What does it mean to dance? Perhaps, it is a conversation. And from a cultural perspective, it is a prayer in motion, an expression of power and desire to sustain life. It is the power of movement that challenges the natural elements of earth, air, fire and water which, can create or destroy life. Align in context to the Asian principle of chi, the esoteric force that connects everything to it yet penetrates the spirit of the participant and the observer. Therefore, choreographies as, “Swan Lake” and Alvin Ailey’s “Revelations” are the large scale narratives of theses soulful appeals.
Have a look at some of the amazing dancers and choreography featured on this site. It is a synopsis of our cultural time and experiences. This is a topic we will be expanding upon in the coming weeks. In the meantime, let's dance. Zen Creatif, AG.