The Art of Unity

While it is important to challenge injustice, we should take a minute to present the people who are doing the right thing. From them we gain the power to refuel our precision. Champions are everywhere and they have some pretty cool methods worth noting. Andy Hall, contributing photographer to the Guardian, visual essay strikes a disruptive blow to current sociopolitical sentiments. Capturing London's Notting Hill carnival, Hall captures the rhythm of the real social climate. Society is moving towards cohesiveness.
Access to information creates an active or reactive response. A call to action is a healthy response provided further harm is not incited. In the trenches of these two polarities is the freeze zone, a paralysis of our emotions. Often in response to overwhelming news beyond our perceived capacity to process or power to change. This is the danger zone.
Chaos and distraction are the brother and sister team of deception. In the past year, they have encircled us with a stream of mind numbing information concerning the bleak state of race relations.
Statements suggesting we have failed as a society renders us powerless and socially disconnected.
Zen Creatif, AG.

While the rest of the world features a culture clash of extremism, the participants of Notting Hill Carnival schools us on the way we are truly living.

War in the back and literally the trash of the past is under the feet. Peace surrounds us and it is in the front. By celebrating life through music and dance these revelers present inclusivity-an inter-connectivity of race, religion, gender, and sexuality. Verbal debates, although fairly informative, are exhaustively individualistic. More effective, is the power of music to drive personalized narratives to shared experiences. Within the same social space, photography speaks volumes when worlds cannot articulate.

Street style, underground movement, perhaps, but the world is progressing. We have the power to keep the vibe moving forward long after the party ends.