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Tarrus Riley: Mediating Culture

Image Courtesy of Tarrus Riley

To speak of what is an artist in postmodernity is a perplexing task. What we know for certain is it requires the evolution of the self in society. With this in mind, we present, Tarrus Riley, the conscious reggae rebel, also known as, "Singy- Singy."

Taking a bold move towards mediating culture, Riley released a new song and video, "Graveyard." It is a straight talk narrative on the life of crime. To follow up, on Friday, January 26, 2018, Riley will be a key note speaker at University of the West Indies (UWI), the Mona campus. In our opinion, his appearance as a guest lecture on crime in Jamaica will add a star to his fame.

While we are certain, Riley will continue to present his diverse lyrical styles in various genres, it is refreshing to see an artist take a high level and agile approach about an important topic.Zen Creatif, AG.



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