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Koffee, New Young Legend

Image Courtesy of VPAL Music/FM Music

Featured on VPAL Music, Koffee presents “Raggamuffin.” Centered in the standards of roots reggae, this song takes a progressive approach to fusing a reggae rhythm with a rap style delivery. It is a brave move, something that only a young lioness would dare to do. And we are glad Koffee is on the scene to reset our ears and minds to appreciating quality music.

Although Koffee is quite young in age, we dare not call her a youth. There is a crystal quality in her voice and a level of maturity in her delivery that aligns her with many prominent artists. This is a veteran in the making. Her verses, chorus, and hooks are blazing. Respect to Frankie Music for featuring Koffee on this impeccably produced and engineered rhythm.

We also had a review of Koffee’s previous works including her tribute to Usain Bolt, “Legend.” Her delivery of this song with only an acoustic guitar is an additional testament to her range of talent. Respect to the empress and Happy Earth Strong Day, February 16.



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