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Kataya Takes Over

Image Courtesy of Kataya

While the expression to take over reins supreme in music as the act of challenging another star, for Kataya, it means taking control of your business. And rightfully so, because art is business. And the only entity that will ever handle your best interest the right way is you.

In today’s market, artists also need business management skills. Certainly, every artist wants to focus on creating and let someone else contend with the business side. But this is the real world, distant from daydreams.

Consequently, although she is fairly new to the game, fortunately for Kataya she has already had a few experiences to quickly realize artists need one eye on the prize and the other on the pitfalls. Lessons learned early in her career, so she can return her focus on her music and share her experiences with other rising young stars. Because while there are amazing people and companies out there, art like any other business requires keen assessment and informed decision-making skills.

As for this lyricist and vocalist, Kataya has the talent and the confidence to advance if she remains focused. And her take no rest kind of attitude to the extent of contacting us directly is a bold move. This is an example of a star because art is also a balance between humility and bravery. With this level of continuous development, production, and hard work stardom is closer for her than many others because few realize success rarely falls from the sky directly into your inbox.

Keep an eye on her success. And more importantly note her journey, so when she takes over the lane to arrive at the award stage, best believe she deserves every accolade and check. Kataya’s work is available on all mainstream platforms as Apple, Tidal, Spotify, and Pandora. Have a listen. We are vibing to "Never Know."



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