Joyner Lucas-Courage Under Fire
As citizen of the world, we often shudder throughout the day concerning the issues that challenge the balance of inclusivity and diversity. For our team, Sister Mimi and Creative Zen, we believe the best pathway to inclusivity is establishment of commonality. At times, we observe the tokenism of, "We all alike, we will get there, love and happiness, and enough said." In despair, many march and scream, while effective in building awareness, the balance of fairness continues to vacillate. Closing the chasm between the polarities of our unique yet common needs requires far more than reactive movements. Respectfully, all participation to resolve the balance of power from profound sound bites to the regulated talks between lobbyists and law makers, or influencers leading a march matters. Yet, the art and effectiveness of systematic disruption begins with an uncensored conversation. This is where the change agents emerge. Radical and disruptive big people behavior that begins in the mind followed up by a straight and unfiltered talk. While dialogues are polite approaches, an uninterrupted monalogue is more demonstrative of self control. It takes internal power to speak all that is in the mind and to also sit still and take the punches. Zen Creatif, AG.
Image Courtesy of Joyner Lucas
Joyner Lucas seized and suspended a time, place, and social space in our society with the release of "I'm Not Racist." This renegade took a well planned approach to the lyrical content and the context of the video. It is not for the faint of heart. Every line, while smoothly delivered, sends a raw blow to the mind. To reinforce the delivery, the simplistic approach of the cinematography rids us of any cushion to break the fall. We were compelled to be present and give an account of our perceptions and behaviors towards ourselves and others.