Fantasia: The Gift

Photo: Courtesy of BET-Black Girls Rock
Our team are longstanding fans of Fantasia Barrino. As we watched her provide some emotional solace at the funeral of Aretha Franklin and grace the stage at Black Girls Rock, it became increasingly clear we have failed her. And in doing so, we have failed ourselves by denying the love and light that is within her to shine upon us.
There are stars. Many musical geniuses. And as a society that is increasingly focused on equality, to level the field of access and opportunity, we have failed to remember that they are stars that simply shine a bit brighter than the others. And in the universal agenda for the mobilization of equality and inclusivity, it is imperative we remain mindful, less we dull the shine of many.
it is these stars like Fantasia that set the standard for organic quality, an innate sense versus machination. And machination, as many would agree, often leaves more to be desired. While this is good, especially for quick return on investments, over time it wanes in quality. Whereas, well rounded talent fulfills the mind, and perhaps, the spirit to keep society moving.
So, there is room for both styles of stars in this universe. But we should never dull the shine of one through disregard and low visibility as we exasperate ourselves trying to polish the other. In terms of resource, stress, and time management our efforts would appear ineffective. Rather, let the flames of each, high and low, fulfill its purpose.©