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Beres Hammond: Never Ending

At some point, a star is no longer a star. While for the ego centered this would mean the end of their fame, for the wise, as Beres Hammond, it means it is a time of celebration. Finally, we see the humanity in him. The artist is respectfully appreciated and loved first, and his artistry, a gift to share with others, is the afterthought. And this process can only be achieved after a long career of over 45 years like Hammond's who has produced more than 22 albums, and written and arranged 216 songs.

It is during this time we built a relationship with him. Uncertain of when the relationship between the artist and the audience shifts from a transaction to inspiration, what is more important is it eventually does. Therefore, while we celebrate the release of Hammond's new album, Never Ending, with VP Records, what is more important is we have time to exchange with a close friend, perhaps we can even say family.

And like a trustworthy family member, Hammond has been attentively listening to our angst and triumphs. Now it is our time to relax, take a breath listen to his words of encouragement, direction, and most importantly appreciate the special way he communicates his joy of all our efforts. Because all Uncle Beres wants is to see us smile again, dance again, and love again.

Beres Hammond's new album and catalogue is available on all streaming platforms, and also on vinyl and CD in stores.



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