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Naomi Cowan & Cupid, Slaying Hearts in 2019

Image Source: Naomi Cowan, Talent Inc.

In less than a month, Valentines Day arrives! For those missing traces of the New Year glitter and promise of serendipity do not dismay, Cupid is on the way to sprinkle sugary confection and starry eye wonder of love. Time to get ready. But, first add Naomi Cowan’s “Paradise Plum” to the playlist. Memorize the lyrics to assist Cupid in capturing the heart of the one you love.

Produced by Naomi Cowan’s Talent Inc and Teflon of Zinc Fence, “Paradise Plum” was first released by VPAL Music in May 2018, just in time for the season of summer love. And in October, Naomi presented a vibrant and vital video. Complete of fashion and fun, the only missing shot was a couple grooving to the beat to add a bit of edge. But what was more important for us, as we mentioned in our follow up article, “Nice Vibes Coming Your Way,” is the song’s staying power, cohesiveness, and relevancy with other current reggae singles by Culan and Khalia. To this we hope Naomi, Culan, and Khalia collaborate on a song in 2019.

One thing is guaranteed, Naomi is proving an iron butterfly can fly. So, let us keep watching her soar to where she leads us next. In the mean time, she is leading us to love. Available on all platforms, get your copy of “Paradise Plum” and prepare to slay many hearts this Valentine season.

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